Monday, May 29, 2006


For the past three hours I have been working on establishing a mailing list for a new CJ over at SJ's. I really like to do this sort of thing until I remember how time consuming it is. Sitting in my SJ Jammies looking out at the Atlantic Ocean, why am I inside? I got too much sun yesterday and DH went home.

I'm in the room with DM. It's a comforting place to be. We enjoy the company of one another even if we sit in silence. Mother is so lonely since Daddy went "to Sleep in the Lord" December 8, 2004. We talk about how we miss him and allow ourselves a few tears. Overall we're both doing well. Some days it's me who mother's mama and some days it's mama who mother's me.

Mother is teaching me how to be old. Yes, can you imagine? There are things that neither of us can do physically now, especially since I hurt my back. Mother says I just don't know how to sit and relax. I'm trying but I'd rather be creating something. I miss my scrap room and I'll be glad to get back to scrappin' in a few days. I hope my box of stuff has arrived from Chicago as I need it to get my CJ's out on time!

DH took a whole lot of close ups of me this weekend so now I can choose a new picture for my Circle Journals and for my Avatar. I think I've pulled it off again, looking decent that is!

We're going to Wyoming for three weeks this summer! Three long weeks in the middle of nowhere. We will do some traveling and visiting. I will be taking my "projects" along or else I will go buggers. Now to plan how to streamline the "stuff" take, I always take too much stuff and it makes it hard on everyone especially me having to keep up with all of the stuff!

I've got an obligatory event in June for my friend's daughter's wedding. It's not that I don't want to go but I don't know the crowd and it's a long drive both ways. DM will go with me and allow DH to stay home as it's not really his friend's child. She is an only child so this wedding should be an "all blow out!" It will have good music I am sure as the whole family is very talented!

So, the summer of momentum is upon me. I know it's not until June 21 but it sure feels like it here! The Circle Journal will be getting off the ground. I so hope this one goes without too much trouble. All it takes is for one person to fall behind and it bunches things up. Why and what is a Circle Journal? Ahh, that's for another day.

I need to write about how it feels to be old and not become a crotchetie old nurse suffering from every illness she can think of. Nurses make the worst patients. I don't want to be like that, but I am sure that I already am!

Enough rambling for now. Cas, I'm going to bleach the sand dollars for you and the kids!

1 comment:

Bev said...


wghat a lovely blog you have! Not sure why today I followed the link. Maybe partly because I was missing my boy a lot and as the tears started dripping, I thought about you and your son. Some days just tear at your heart and what keeps us going is some of this just daily routine stuff. Somehow reasding thru some of it makes me feel so not alone today.
