Friday, September 01, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

Well I'm off in about an hour to go with mother over to the coast for the weekend. DH will join us tonight and DD will drive over tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it and can't decide to take my scrapping' stuff or not!

The worst thing we have to do is to go by the monument place and double check the grave stone for my parents graves for correctness before it is installed. It's bad enough that I have to remember that my daddy is gone but I'm going to really have to suck it up as my mother's name will be on the marker even though, she is still living since it's a dual headstone. I dread it!

Now that TS Ernesto is gone, from here anyway, I feel so much better. I hate the highs and lows I have in my life. Dealing with depression is just totally awful. I'm a fighter not a quitter so I will keep on trying until I get it right!

Hope the atmosphere at the condo is pleasant and who knows when I'll come back home! All that good civilization and shopping over there in Daytona! I'll be in hog heaven!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So THAT's Why It's Called a DEPRESSION

I live in Sebring, we are in the center of the state and in the center of the now Tropical Depression Ernesto. The "weather" seems to be focused more toward the east coast and as the afternoon wears on there's always a fear of tornado's. We are accustomed to afternoon thunderstorms with lots of rain and lightening.

IMHO the government is now taking every precaution to protect the public at large and in the process scaring people, like me, to pieces!

I am thankful that God protects us, as his storms always demonstrate his sovereign hand! I must confess my Faith did not exhibit itself very well these past few days as I dreaded the storm. This is an example to me to let God handle the other "storms" in my life and trust Him with His protective hand.

Thanks to all of you who have been checking in on us and praying for those still waiting for their turn for Ernesto to pass.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Finally, it has dawned on me why I am so depressed today! I fight depression in general but this Monday morning just absolutely sucked for me! No matter what I did it just didn't seem to help. So, I picked myself up by the flip flops and made myself get out of the house.

There's nowhere good to go around here. The mall stinks and even if it was a good one I shouldn't be out spending money.

I did need to go to Wally World and get some essentials like deodorant and laundry soap. Well, every stinking' person in three counties was there buying water and peanut butter. I finally decided to get what I needed as fast as possible and get the heck out of Dodge!

We have soooooooo many elderly people in this town. They are just oblivious to anything going on around them. Stand in the aisle and "farmer chat". Just irks me, they should do that on the shuffleboard court! Oh, it's too freakin' hot outside to be outside unless you're in a pool.

Anyway, it's that damn Ernesto, I am so sick and tired of hurricane's and tropical storms I could puke! It's all my scrap crap that freaks me out. Who cares about the rest! Every year it seems all the books go into plastic containers and then back out on the shelves. I just can't face it. So, I'm going to take my chances for now! If it stresses me out that bad then something wrong!

It must be all the TV hype, we never had all that growing up. No long drawn out moment to moment detail on what could/might happen. We just got the batteries ready and stored up canned food. Heck, we didn't even have bottled water. We just filled up the bathtubs with extra water. Of course, it probably didn't hurt that I was a child and knew my parents would take care of me.

The kids are grown, it's DH and one grown son. I'll get some canned food another day. The propane tanks are full and it's DH's job to get gasoline for the generator! Yes, we have a generator. My dad bought it for my mother before he died. I've got a flashlight and extra batteries and a pool full of water. What else could I ask for?

So, goodbye worries over Ernesto! Wow, I feel so much better now! Thanks everyone!