Saturday, August 26, 2006

What Are They Thinkin' ???

My absolute favorite message board has had a huge mistake in management, IMO! The administrator decided to have anything that was more than 15 days old and not responded to deleted! That means all of our hard work with instructions and our introductions and all of our discussions are gone! Just deleted! What is she thinkin'? Does this mean I am going to have to learn to run my own message board? We're all so upset that we don't quite know what hit us! The emails are flying between those of us who are such good friends IRL! I sure hope this gets straightened out SOON! What a goof! She totally went blonde on us!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


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BOM = Book of Mine

Jana was asking about my BOM. I started working on this at the beginning of the summer. It's a scrapbooker's way of telling about themselves. It can include anything you want. Most people who have a BOM include thoughts, feelings, and ideas in addition to pictures. I hope to keep adding to mine for as long as I live.

I started out by following challenges set up by Alicia at there are also challenges with ideas on other scrapbooker's web sites like Willow Traders. It gives you a "jumping off" spot.

Right now I am going to be journaling some real sensitive stuff but it will be hidden in a little book. I'll see if I can post it later.

When I was on vacation last month in Utah I picked up a book at a LSS called
The Me Book. This book features the artists of Autumn Leaves. The name that I recognize the most is Elise Flannigan. The back cover of The Me Book says
it's all about me....What is the me book all about? It's about getting to the good stuff, the nitty-gritty, the things that make us happy, sad, fulfilled, passionate and goofy. It's all about documenting the roles we play and the life experiences that make us who we are. These pages are about using your old photos in new ways, retelling old stories with a unique twist and learning a lot about yourself in the process

I guess the last statement really says it all for me. Eventhough I hope that someone does care enough to keep my BOM when I'm gone, for now it's about getting in touch with myself.

In the 70's people used to talk about "Going to FIND themselves". I thought that was dumb but now at the crossroads of loss of a parent, empty next syndrome,choosing to retire from nursing and then facing marital infidelity, I'm off to "find myself"!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

He's On His Way Home

Well, I thought this was a totally ME day and it is but my mindset has got to change! DH just called and will be home in two hours. I've got flylady boogie todo! Thinking about my private journaling for my BOM.

Over My Head!

I could spend literally all day every day online but I don't do it.
#1 It's not healthy.
#2 It would get me in a heap of trouble.
#3 I might turn into some techno geek, but I doubt it, but then again there are those html classes I've been wanting to take.

I really used to spend much more time on the computer, even planned to start digital scrapbooking. Well, the digital scrapbooking is fun but it doesn't take the place of all the hands on with the textures etc. I have become a font freak and have over 700 fonts on my computer. I wanted to go back to community college and get some kind of degree in computers or at least take some classes. Right now I feel as if I know most of the alphabet but am missing a few vowels, KWIM? I'd like to get a concept in my brain from A-Z. Until I decide to go to school I'll hack away and try to learn as I go!

OK, I've decided, today is a scrappin' day. DH is gone to Tampa and who knows when he will be home. Dark-thirty. It's a comfort to have my pitbull "Rocky" here at my side in case anyone tries to come and keep me company!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

So, What if it doesn't work? Can I delete it?


Everybody go check out your links, I made them work. Woo Hoo for me!

Monday, August 21, 2006


Some of us over at Scrap Jammies and at Willow Traders adopt these egg things each month and get some kind of a critter. Some morph, some do not. It's just strange!

This is my eighth day in a row that I am feeling happy, it's a mind set, I am convinced. Things around my home are running more smoothly and I am able to accomplish more and more each day. I just do what I can and forget it until the next day. It's easier when I don't put so much pressure on myself.

I'm so excited to be having a whole gang of girlfriends coming to visit me in October! We are going to scrap our hearts out! They are all flying in from all over the country to be together. I think that's so wonderful to be making such great new friends all ofer the place.

I most dislike bookeeping tasks. I am elected to put everything into Quicken and pay bills for our household. It's part of staying home and not having an outside job. At least there's no boss to tell me I can't take a break! I got so far behind when we went on vacation for two weeks. Now I am going to have two months to reconcile this week. I'm still not done inputting all the transactions. Oh this does suck, I can't seem to ever get into it!

DH and I are really getting along well. We are happier than we have been for a long time. I want to do my part to make this work. I think he feels the same way.