Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's a New Day!

After practically an entire summer off I have decided to pick up my blog again and get rolling. The fact that my isp changed didn't help! But that's taken care of now.

Without spending literally hours of time doing so, perhaps I can update and make my blog a place you want to visit.

At risk of baring myself too much I am going to approach the subject that is heavy on my heart!

My weight! For quite a while I kept the same weight and although it wasn't as low as I would like it to be I had nice clothes and felt good about myself. When my father died I packed on 10 pounds which has turned into 25 pounds. Yes, some of it has to do with my medications but mostly it has to do with me! I just feel as if I can't address my weight along with all the other issues in my life!

Well, I am wrong! I am a packaged deal and it all works together. I have decided to try to Scrap the Fat!

This summer I have been swimming a lot. Haven't lost any weight but it makes my head so much more clear. It makes me happy to be in the sunshine as hot as it may be, I love the sun.

I got my heel spur treated in January before my trip out West and now on July 4 it started giving me fits again. I've gotten two more shots and am improving but I must be able to walk when the weather cools down a bit. I need to burn some calories.

I've really tried to control what is available to eat in the house and to eat healthy foods in proper portions.

I've been off Lunesta for more than a month and beside being able to sleep just as well and wake up easier in the AM I have stopped binge eating late at night. I never have been one to eat in the night but for some reason I would be so hungry on this medication that I would get up and just pig out! I've even woken up in the morning with a slice of bread and butter in the bed with me.

I didn't say this was going to be all pretty. I feel like I'm really putting myself out for ridicule in some way. I'm sure no one would ridicule me to my face and really doubt that my dear friends would discuss this amongst themselves except perhaps in a caring way.

I have found out that Lunesta does have this side effect after learning it on a TV advertisement. I will say as much as I hate advertising pharmaceuticals this was a relief for me to find out and my primary reason for stopping the medication! I was too ashamed to even talk to my physician about this as I am so embarrassed!

That's enough for now, talk to ya later!


Alicia said...

When are you going to say something NEW? I check this thing all the time!

Oh yeah, I tagged you on my blog! Smooches!

Alicia said...

That should give you something to blog about!