Wednesday, August 23, 2006

He's On His Way Home

Well, I thought this was a totally ME day and it is but my mindset has got to change! DH just called and will be home in two hours. I've got flylady boogie todo! Thinking about my private journaling for my BOM.


Jana said...

Hey Jan! I haven't been reading blogs like I was and I am getting behind. I am curious, are you using an idea book for your BOM? If so, which one? Hope your having a good day!

Sandy said...

Right now I am following Alicia's Challenge at Scrappers Galore for the BOM challenge. There's also one on Willow Traders. I can draw ideas from that as well. I've done several LO's of baby pictures and events. Oh for a stitching program so that I could scan them in and stitch them. I might try to take pictures of them and post them on Scrap Jammies but my camera kind of sucks! I did buy a book on vacation. I'll blog about it!